Saturday 15 October 2011

My Heart and My Heart

This is my online eShop, or eStore, if you want to call it that :-)
I expose my Art, but in this small navigation menu Category, I expose my Heart.

I am from Jewish background (mother's lineage) and Roman Catholic Christian background (father's heritage).

It was strange as a child. When the Catholics came round, my thoughts were with the Jew. When the Jews came round, my thoughts were with the Roman Catholics! I suppose I was a slippery fish.

My life has been a wrestling with Eloha (Aramaic for GOD). Will He accept me? Will He Love me? I was brought up with 'works' and 'condemnations.' and patriarchal systems which excluded sensitivities. I was engrained with 'we are right, they are wrong,' from whichever group of people I have met.

The first school I went to was Christian, Church of England. The school I attended had a very close relationship with the Church of England. Even from a very early age, I loved painting, drawing, and singing and making music. I quickly and for me, naturally progressed in all of these areas. Drawing and painting was, well, 'easy.' I also am fond of music and found singing and playing any musical instrument easy too.

When I paint, i can 'see.' When I sing, I can 'hear.' I try to mix both of these attributes into any works of art that I produce because I want the viewer or listener to 'feel' this Art with me. I want them to share in the very same 'kiss of the Angel' that I feel when I am doing what I was created to do and enjoy in an unexpressible joy the beauty and gift of life and being a human being.

When I paint, it is 'other worldly.' When I sing, I get the same feeling. Shivers run up and down my spine and all my hairs stand on end as I make the brush stroke that make me think, 'Wow!' It is not unusual for me to weep 'happy tears' as I paint or make music.

So. How did I come about this spiritual encounter? Well, I didn't do anything! I mean this in the sense that it was not my doing at all. I wanted to know God (I am using the English 'God' to make the reading of this easier).

My wife was pregnant with our first child and I was wondering how I could be a good father to my children and bring them up on a way that was unbiased, in one sense 'unreligious,' and in another sense gave them access to the Creator and Source of all things freely!

So I made a visit to various religious communities because I thought it would be a good place to start. All I got was judgmentalism and rejections (even from spiritual leaders themselves who I later found out were actually engaged in adulterous affairs themselves!). The problem all of thee religious leaders had was that at the time I wasn't yet married. In love and totally committed, yet judged because I wasn't wearing the right badge. I finally walked into a Christian bookshop and asked Helen, the woman serving me, if she had any books regarding parental philosophy. I was shocked by her reply.

She told me that there were loads of books about 'philosophy.' What startled me even more was her next remark.

"Its a Relationship! That's what you need!"
" A relationship?" I responded.
"I've already got one woman pregnant and don't want to get another one up the duff!"

She laughed at me. But it was a laughing with me.

At that moment, her husband Eric, a Director, walked by and smiled at Helen and chuckled too. I laughed too. I am afraid I have a habit of laughing at my own jokes and myself. In fact, my laughter tarts when I shave in the mornings. Until I realise its my own face in the mirror.

"No, it's a Relationship with God you need!"
"What?" I thought? "A r-e-l-a-t-i-o-n-s-h-i-p with G-O-D? How is THAT possible!"

I thought I had a clever answer. Helen's was even better:
"Read this from John."

Helen put a ribbon in the starting point. It was like a big University text book. It said 'NIV Study Bible' on it.

"Who is Niv?" I asked.

Helen laughed and told me that it was an abbreviation for 'New International Version.' Some people call it 'Nearly Inspired Version.' It is a translation. And like all translations, not a p e r f e c t copy. But there is enough Grace in even the tiniest, minutest grain of faith. i started walking off with it, then Helen gave me the price tag. 'Good businesswoman! What a sales pitch!' I thought to myself.

Every time I picked up this Bible, it started 'reading' me. It was like 'Magic Eye' digital art, where the 3D image would jump out at me! the words spoke deep into y spirit and tugged at my heart. I physically could feel this spiritual activity. I even went to my General Practitioner, Dr Kumar (Mrs) about it and there was nothing wrong with me at all! My blood pressure reading came in at 120/80 mmHg. Perfect! (and I thank Eloha that it still is to this day)

So I 'fleeced' God. I said to Him, "I want everything to go right with this pregnancy. And if it does, I want to see You in it and then I will follow You!" What was I doing? Would God hear me or listen? Did He care? According to my upbringing and relatives and acquaintances and 'exes' I was doomed to a Hell of Lake Fire without hope! My wife's pregnancy went text book style.

To the day. I found myself doing strange things like holding her and praying for her. What was I doing? Was I meditating to myself? There was a big movement. I remember the night of August 22nd 1994 very clearly. I was trying to make ends meet between my Art and Music and had a job working for a very stingy freemason run family business called 'Waltons.' They let me use a very crappy 1.3 litre company car for personal use, if it would start. I asked God to make the car start. As I prayed, that NIV Bible fell off the shelf. I picked it up and that split moment really took a grasp of me.

It was like a step from eternity into my life. But I didn't know what was about to happen. I just knew something was happening. I was about to become a dad! At the hospital, my wife's waters broke. As they did, i saw in my mind's eye Yeshua (Jesus) being baptised in Israel. There is blood in a natural birth.

The epidural hadn't taken effect and my wife could feel the full pangs of labour pain. Fiona held my hand. As she screamed, I saw Yeshua (Jesus) in her face. In my mind's eye, I saw Yeshua, Jesus, being crucified.

His Blood fell from the Cross and onto me. I was covered in The Blood of Meshikha Yeshua, (Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ!). His Crown of Thorns was because of all of MY evil thoughts. His Hands Pierced through with nail spikes because of all of the evil I had done with my hands. His Feet nail spiked pierced trough because of everywhere I had gone without a care or thought for God and His Will. And His Heart pierced through with a spear for all of the evil I have done that I am not even aware of, past, present and future. The Blood of Yeshua (Jesus) cleanses from ALL sins and casts out ALL evil for all eternity and eternities!

The next thing I know I was called some names that I do not want to repeat within this website :-) My first son was born! "Call him Immanuel!" my wife Fiona said. Immanuel means 'God is with us!' I held my son Immanuel and cried very happy tears! My wife and I were very happy as we had a very beautiful and healthy baby son! Wow! As Immanuel was taken to be weighed and cleaned up, the epidural finally had its full effect and my wife went sleep pretty exhausted as eight hours had passed. It was 5:45am on 23rd August 1994. A summer morning, yet everything turned to darkness. A thunder storm outside. I could feel a very peaceful presence.

"This is what 'Shalom' is."

Then my heart was convicted. The Presence was so great, I was heavy and weighed down. I broke into tears and I could feel my heart sinking deep down into the depths of the earth. Everything was deep dark and black. There was no light, only terrible heat of loneliness and darkness and an unrecognisable wailing of what was loud yet silent. It was chaos, hell. Then I saw a Tomb door open. A round stone rolled open and Yeshua (Jesus) walked out towards me. In a Gentle Voice that I had not listened to before but knew. Oh, how I know this Voice! Love! Healing! Light! Blessings! Spirit! Life!

"Come to Me!"

The Voice was very clear. A Man in radiant Light and Glory speaking to me and said;

"Dean James!"

I looked up! I saw Yeshua (Jesus) standing there in front of me! All I could say was,
"God of Jesus! Come into my life!"

He smiled and laughed lovingly and came towards me. As He got closer, He smiled and walked towards me and yet He appeared then more 'Spiritual,' and as He hugged me, He walked 'into' me! I though He was going to walk through me like a Ghost, but He walked in to me and lives in me now. Forever. I had become 'anew.' I AM born again. Forgiven. A Citizen of Heaven.

If you would like to meet Yeshua (Jesus) you can! Right now! I have seen over a thousand people come to know Yeshua (Jesus) since I met Him and you can too if you do not know Him. Just say,

'Yeshua (Jesus) have mercy upon me a sinner! Cleanse me by Your Blood and save me. Deliver me, heal me and live through me. I don't just want to be a 'convert' I want to be a disciple.'

Sign up to the newsletter and let me know that you have made this decision on my blog page and lets share there and walk with Him together! Sincere Peace and Love, Dean James x

'He smiled and walked towards me!' 10% of all the profits from Dean James Art do not go towards any religious organisations, but go towards charities that are concerned with healing the sick, giving to the poor and casting out evil from people's lives where they are being restricted, even by their governments (such as extremism).

'He smiled and walked towards me!'

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